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"Martha Stewart's February Calendar"

Feb. 1
Pick up green cards for Manuel & staff.
Feb. 2
Climb Mt. Everest. Gather oxygen for making water.
Feb. 3
Work on script for "Martha" the movie.
Feb. 5
Sleep for half an hour.
Feb. 7
Re-glaze greenhouse.
Feb. 8
Stencil driveway.
Feb. 9
Move chicken coops two feet to the right.
Feb. 10
Detail lawnmowers & weedwackers.
Feb. 11
Organize leather closet.
Feb. 13
Work on script for "Martha" the musical.
Feb. 14
Stencil street.
Feb. 16
Scrape & paint Westport, Southampton, and Vermont homes.
Feb. 17
Order 100 varieties of apple saplings.
Feb. 18
Prune prune trees.
Feb. 19
Force forsythia, hyacinth, quice, and Manuel.
Feb. 20
Stencil turnpike exit ramp.
Feb. 21
Aluminum-side trailer home behind main house.
Feb. 22
Breakfast at Tiffany's. Lunch at K-Mart.
Feb. 24
Sue Martha's Vinyard over name.
Feb. 25
Gather wild rice in Minnesota for chicken soup.
Feb. 26
Surf Bonzai Pipeline.
Feb. 27
Meet with Norman Mailer on "Martha" the book.
Feb. 28
Consult with Pope at Vatican (possible stencil op).

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